Monthly Archives: December 2015

Christmas Perspective




“This Christmas, Lord, help me make time for the things that matter.” That was my journal entry moments after I sat rocking our son back to sleep in the wee hours of the morning. With December barely underway, already I was thinking through the million and one things I had on my to do list, but what mattered most in that moment was the child sleeping peacefully in my arms. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the Christmas season and all that it entails. Tree decorating, baking yummy goodies, festive gatherings, Christmas carols, I could go on and on. With all of the fun though comes all of the stress! It’s very easy to forget about the things that are most important.

Frustrations can run high during the Christmas season. Long lines, too much to do and too little time to do it. Apparently Cyber Monday is a bad day to actually shop in a store. Who knew? I made the mistake of trying to buy groceries on the day in which everyone is encouraged to shop online. To my dismay, the computer system of a store (which will remain unnamed!) was overwhelmed, and unable to let me purchase items in the store. Frustrated by my inconvenience, I was tempted to think I had just wasted precious time. Then I was reminded that I live in a city with plenty of stores and plenty of options for purchasing groceries. Am I that shortsighted that I forget just a few days after Thanksgiving all that I have to be thankful for? I began to think, with the Christmas season upon us, what is most important? What matters most, having everything in life be convenient or taking the time to show people the love of Jesus who is the reason why we celebrate in the first place? People matter more than convenience, more than perfect decorations, more than busy schedules. Jesus came to earth for people. You and me.

“The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  John 1:14 HCSB

What matters most in your life this Christmas? I can assure you I am asking myself the same question. In the midst of the crazy hectic pace of the month of December, I want to focus on what counts.

Lord, help us make time for the things that matter.